
Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Black Pearl

A new month (which happens to be one of my favourite months of the year) and a new challenge at Craft a Scene: namely 'Ships in the night'. A really fun topic, I am looking forward to seeing all the scenes, and don't miss the DT cards.

I wanted to ink up some new Stampscapes stamps:

The new Bayou Shack stamp and the different swamp stamps made me think of the scene in the Pirates of the Caribbean 2 movie where they escape from the Kraken and go to visit the sea goddess Calypso/Tia Dalma (if I remember correctly). I have a Beeswax pirate ship stamp and decided to do a 'Black Pearl' scene, trying to create an eerie swamp atmosphere. The scene is done on glossy cardstock (8.5 x 5.5 in) and coloured with dye inks, using a Colorbox Stylus Tool (see this tutorial).

I stamped quite a few alternative scenes on scrap paper first, to plan which stamps to use and where to place them. I very rarely start stamping directly on the glossy cardstock. Most of the stamping was done with Archival Jet Black ink, except for the tree line in the background which was done with Memento Nautical Blue, to push the trees further away in the distance.

As usual, I started with the lightest shade of dye ink (Aqua) and gradually built up darker shades, using the inks in the supply list. For the narrow places, I used a Ranger craft nib to apply the ink, such as on the small Cypress Knees. Highlights were added with a white gel pen and mist by dry-brushing white pigment ink onto the scene.

Thank you for looking!


Stamps: Stampscapes: Water Pattern 231C, Prickly Branches 272G, Spooky Branch Sm., Gulls 302A, Bayou Shack S. 344E, Cypress 345I, Cypress Sm. 346F, Cypress Knees 347C, Cypress Knees Sm. 348A, Spanish Moss (right) 353D, Winter Brush 366C; Beeswax: Ship
Ink: Ranger Archival Jet Black; Adirondack: Aqua, Pool, Pebble, Slate, Mushroom, Denim, Clover, Bottle; Jenni Bowlin: Speckled Egg; Distress Ink: Peacock Feathers, Black Soot, Chipped Sapphire; Memento: Nautical Blue; Colorbox Frost White
Surface: Kromecote glossy cardstock


  1. Your card is so cool . . . you have captured a real moody feeling :)
    Foggy damp swamp with something very mysterious going on between the anchored boat and the cabin. Whatever it is . . . is waiting for our imagination :)

  2. Hi Anna-Karin
    You have done a fantastic card you are so talented at this sort of art. It is totally amazing what you manage to do with ink, stamps and a couple of tools.
    Love Love Love it

  3. Fabulously atmospheric - what a wonderful piece... Black Pearl, but it also definitely has a touch of Neverland about it to me!
    Alison x

  4. I love your scene Anna-Karin, and the title you've given it. I've recently brought these new stamps but have not used them yet.

    Sue x


Thank you so much for leaving a comment! Happy Crafting!