
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Watercolour Tree

Hello! This has been a busy week, I haven't had a chance to stamp as much as usual. Today, I have something a bit different (for me at least). A few days ago, I had to wait for someone in a mall for a while. I wandered into a bookshop and to the shelf with art books. I ended up getting a book by Geoff Kersey about watercolour techniques, because I thought it had some nice ideas for my scenic stamping. There are lots of beautiful nature scenes in the book. Then I remembered a tree I painted with watercolours in school and on a bit of a whim I got a set of watercolours too (there is an art supply shop close to the bookshop). I use watercolour techniques with my Distress Inks a lot and I wanted to see what the difference would be and how watercolour paint could also be used to create backgrounds etc. The book I got has a section on painting trees, and since I love trees, I thought I would give it a try.

Here’s the result:

I kept the clouds and background fairly similar to the example in the book, but my tree ended up looking different. I first sketched the tree. The sky was done with two washes on wet paper. The leaves of the tree were painted with a dry brush technique and then I painted the trunk and the branches. The foreground and the fence were done last, adding a bit of extra texture with dry brushing on the grass. I had fun mixing different shades of green and brown, just a little bit of extra of one colour makes a major difference.

Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you weekend is wonderful!


Surface: Daler & Rowney Watercolour paper
Paint: Daler Rowney Aquafine watercolours
Pencils: Derwent sketching pencils.


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